Discussion: In person interviews for UX Studies

ACRL/NY User Experience (UX) Discussion Group


November 12, 2010

Present: Carrie Netzer Wajda, Jeffrey Kroessler, Steve Essig, Amy Ballmer, Madeline Cohen, Jane Suda, Karen Erani, Caroline Fuchs, Stephanie Gross, Stefanie Havelka, Mark Aaron Polger

Discussion Topic: In person interviews for User Experience Studies

Carrie talked about how in person interviews can be used for web usability and user interface design studies. Camtasia was briefly discussed. Focus groups was also discussed as a method to gather data about our users. Carrie talked about Nancy Foster, who has studied students, tracked them to see what they were doing. She used in person interviews, and conversations, with follow-up questions. Questions need to be open-ended.  She spoke about videotaping users. Some faculty may feel uncomfortable as they worry about institutional politics. Some feel it’s intrusive. Carrie spoke about social media, a brand of public relations (Facebook and Twitter are some popular examples). Face to face is very important

Mark spoke of his experiences in his study on library jargon on top-level library web sites. He surveyed 300 students and over 500 librarians and compared what students prefer on top-level pages of library web sites. He compared this to what librarians report on their library web pages. His study is being considered for publication in the journal Library Philosophy and Practice, annual volume 2011.

Carrie discussed how libraries can contact consulting groups to manage user experience studies.  One such consulting group is Adaptive Path. www.adaptivepath.com

The group discussed how to get a student sample.

The group also discussed the current trend of Federated search tools on their library web sites.  They discussed EBSCO Discovery and Summit as some examples. Some prefer individual databases as opposed to using and promoting Federated searching to their users.

They discussed the balance of teaching students appropriate language so they can learn but some argued that making the language and search screens simple and straight forward may be helpful. The group agreed that they need to know their students.

User experience studies represent a large part of assessment. It is important to attend departmental meetings to get faculty sample.  Assessment can be paper or electronic. It is important to find your users in their spaces (café, campus center, office, and department).

Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Mark Aaron Polger, ACRL/NY User Experience Co-Chair 2010.





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